It's almost been another year again. I'm not who I was.
I'm trans now, so that's a new one. Oh, and I'm non-binary, too. And an anarcho-communist. And am in a poly relationship with two unrealistically lovely people ...and I've just finished my second year of my Fine Art degree.
And I'm the happiest I've ever been.
I have time on my hands again, and time to be less anxious about having to write essays condensing my opinions on things I love into them. So instead of doing that at uni, I'll do that on my tiny little blog that's been dead for almost an exact year.
This is just a preface, I want to start new again. I'm gonna keep everything up, as much as I may hate or disagree with my past posts. But this time I want to stay true to myself; no forcing opinions, no trying to appease certain people with the topics I cover, nothing like that. Just a fun blog about things that interest or excite me.
Welcome back.